Portocolom by Camper van, Beaches and Coves

Wild beaches. Coves of Mallorca...

Portocolom, seafaring tradition! and hidden coves…

We really enjoyed our previous stage, in the south of Mallorca. It has been quite easy to find good parking spaces and mobility by camper van or motorhome in this part of the island of Mallorca is simple, great to take the first steps in a camper van and gain experience driving this type of vehicle.

We decided to avoid the super touristy area of Cala D’or and from Portopetro we went straight to Portocolom. We know that in the surroundings of Cala d’or there are good coves, such as Cala Sa Nau, Cala Mitjana or Cala Egos, but in the summer season it is a very crowded area and it is not easy to find good parking for the camper van or motorhome. Outside of the summer months it is a great area, but in the middle of summer we are not very convinced by its crowded atmosphere.

From Portocolom, in addition to being a beautiful village, with a large natural harbour full of the typical wooden llauts, you can make beautiful excursions to paradisiacal coves… You only need to walk a little, from 20 or 30 minutes walking you will reach spectacular places.

Portocolom is a great base of operations, for excursions to coves, to have dinner on a terrace and to spend the night with your camper van or motorhome.

The first excursion we make from Portocoom is southwards, departing from Cala Marsal to Cala Brafi and Cala Estreta. We arrive at Cala Brafi by a small dirt path, and if we walk a little further along the coast, we arrive at Cala Estreta, a great place to take a swim and get away from the crowds.

The second excursion we do is through coves in Mallorca, Cala Virgili, Cala Bota and Cala Magraner, are a great day trip, but you have to avoid the hot hours on the hottest days of summer. Well, here you have to walk a little further.

The third excursion make is walking through coves, from Cala Romantica to Cala Varques, mythical site of the island, with beautiful water, but as in the previous case, you have to walk a little, so we recommend comfortable shoes, plenty of water and avoid the central hours of the day, It is essential to avoid getting scorched!

We ended up having a beer in our van, overlooking the bay of Portocolom, recovering strength to discover the following area, the Llevant peninsula!, one of the areas we liked.

Remember to respect the current regulations, take care of the environment, do not disturb the locals and leave the place clean and without a trace of our visit. Let’s take care of the beautiful island of Mallorca.

Where to park? Differences between parking, overnight stays and camping (see here).

Emptying of Camper Van Water in Mallorca (see here).

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